Here’s the BHM’s top 10 things to do to keep your barefoot horse healthy and sound
- Take the shoes off! – ok bit tongue in cheek but seriously though this is top of the list
- Find a qualified barefoot hoof specialist who is 100% dedicated to keeping horses barefoot
- Have your horse’s feet trimmed every 4-6 weeks and be guided by your barefoot trimmer if the trim cycle can go longer
- Learn as much as you can about a species specific diet for a horse
- If grass is a large part of your horse’s diet then think of ways of how to restrict the fresh green stuff but keeping your horse happy and moving at the same time
- Following on from number 4
, if you have too much grass that your horse isn’t interested in eating hay, then think about tracking (read up about track systems in the mag)
- Find yourself a good hay supplier and feed 24/7 mixed species hay – good quality non dusty hay – but absolutely NO RYE. If you want to feed wrapped hay, again make sure there’s no rye and that the feed is not too moist – the dryer the better as it takes a bit longer to eat and digest – hay is way cheaper than vet bills!
- Keep your horse on the move, keep them entertained by putting piles of hay about their paddock/track in as many different ways as you can think of and your wallet allows – the more piles they have to go off and investigate the more they’ll move
- Start filling your shelves with great barefoot books – see our top 10 barefoot books page for the ones we heartily recommend
- Don’t feel alone in your barefoot world…go find others on social media…even better buy the BHM and become part of BHMBud
, our very own private social network to keep you connected to Barefoot Horse Lovers all over the world.