Issue 14 – Understanding your horse’s hoof – HOOF CRACKS

In every issue of the magazine we have a section called Trimmer’s Tips brought to you by our resident barefoot hoof care specialists Hoofing Marvellous

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, where every aspect of the hoof is discussed to help owners really understand their horse’s hooves.

In Issue 14, HM go to town on everything to do with hoof cracks, with some amazing photographs of real case studies and really in depth analysis of those pesky cracks. Here are some of the questions HM answer in the article:

Where do hoof cracks usually happen?
What causes superficial or partial thickness hoof cracks?
What causes full thickness hoof cracks?
Does shoeing make hoof cracks worse?
Can full thickness cracks cause pain?
What can you do if your horse has hoof cracks?

So if your horse suffers from hoof cracks that you absolutely don’t seem to be getting on top of, perhaps you’ve tried more traditional methods (also discussed in the article) but to no avail, then reading this article is a must and will get you and your horse swiftly onto the road of recovery.

Here’s a link to Issue 14

This issue is still available in print and online too.


Go get those hoof cracks under control folks!


, Editor